Yin For Her
Yin for Her by ACULIFT regulates the Qi and regenerates the Yin by having a very specific reason for being: that of accompanying the woman through all her states…! And phases of life.
The anticipated energetic benefits with the Yin for Her by ACULIFT are obtained by targeting the Ren Mai 4 point. We can find the Ren Mai 4 point 4 fingers below the belly button.
It is recognized as being the point that stimulates the production of the Yin (Yin manufacture). The Yin is the source of vitality of the body and mind.
Beauty goes beyond age.
Contraindications : pacemaker or defibrillator, cancer, pregnancy,
improves symptoms of menopause : mood swings, hot flushes, weight gain, paleness, insomnia, fatigue
improves symptoms of andropause
improves discomfort due to painful, excessive and irregular menstruations
reinforces kidneys
regulates the Qi
fortifies the spleen
promotes fertility by crossing the three meridians spleen-liver-kidneys