
Chinese medicine

ACULIFT draws from the beliefs of Chinese medicine and Taoism where every being is an infinite source of energy and in constant evolution. If the body is always evolving, so is your energy: nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed! The effects of the magnets on the body vary from one person to the next: everyone has their own rhythm, intensity and level of strength.

By applying magnets on specific energy points, we activate the meridians’ energy network. The magnets stimulate these acupuncture points that not only act on the body, but can also have a positive impact on emotions. To better understand how everything works, you must visualize the energy points on the body as millions of minute switches that the magnets will turn on one by one in the circuit that makes up the body.

“There are several ways to stimulate an energy point: needle (acupuncture), magnets (magnetotherapy), finger pressure (acupressure), laser (acupuncture), light (chromatherapy)… At ACULIFT, we use magnets: everyone has their own pace, difference, potential and unicity.

All our products follow this same philosophy: we draw from your source of energy to feed your body and mind, simply, for more glow!


The first recorded use of magnets dates back to 800 B.C. Doctors of ancient Greece, Egypt, India and China described and practiced magnetic therapy. This use was also mentioned in the writings of Homer, Plato and Aristotle.

Science has established that magnetic energy goes through all materials and affects all living beings. The Earth’s magnetic fields protect all living beings from harmful radiation. They also impact human behaviour, mental function and physical energy.

Magnetism is very effective to cure and restore the natural balance of the body. The north pole of the energy induces an alkalizing effect which helps normalize every cell in the body by increasing cellular oxygen, and restore pH balance.

The human body needs an alkaline environment because oxygen cannot be maintained in an acidic environment and becomes toxic for the human body. A negative magnetic field supports the alkaline environment of the body and the need for oxidation to produce energy.