The Energetic Box Wei Qi by ACULIFT is a treatment plan to stimulate the energy points that fortify the immune system. The points we have selected contribute to strengthening the body’s natural defences and help better fight viruses and other external factors.
In Chinese medicine, the Wei Qi is the protective Qi. It is our first line of defence energy against external factors that cause illnesses. The more our Wei Qi (protective Qi) is strong and nourished, the more we become healthy and resistant.
Everything we experience today: pollution, diet, stress, etc., contribute to the reduction of our resistance to illness. Our vitality depends on balanced Qi, blood and spirit, all three influenced by our way of life.
Fortifying the immune system
Calming mental activity
The box contains
Five 800 gauss magnets
Four 2 500 gauss magnets
18 small hypoallergenic stickers
(After, you can use medical adhesive or order more stickers with Produits Aculift)
The targeted points are
Zusanli (leg three miles) : Very efficient point to reinforce the immune system and the whole body. Bonus: It stabilizes blood pressure, eliminates inflammation, improves digestion, helps internal harmony (trust, anxiety, calms the Spirit).
Lie Que (broken sequence) : Point that reinforces the immune system. Bonus: Stimulates memory, helps relive asthma and agitated sleep.
Shu Fu (Shu mansion) : Master point for the immune system. Bonus: Helps with breathing difficulties and asthma, calms psychological tension, anxiety, worries and depression.
Qu Chi (pool of the crook) : Major immune system point. This point increases white blood cells (so the immune system) and supplies antibiotic and anti-inflammatory action. Bonus: Relieves gastric troubles and hypertension symptoms.
Xuan Ji (jade pivot) : A pivotal point that closes the energy circuit.
Contraindications : pacemakers, defibrillators, cancer, pregnancy